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Encyclopaedia Britannica
You can search the Encyclopaedia Brittanica online with a free seven-day trial.
The Living Library
The Living Library has been developed for schools and educational home users.
Roget's Internet Thesaurus
If you're stuck for the elusive word, or running out of inspiration on a piece of writing, head for Roget's Internet Thesaurus.
OneLook Dictionaries
You would never believe how awesomely fantabulous OneLook is until you try it out for yourself. OneLook is an awesome dictionary!
Galaxy Reference
Everything from calendars and census data to English/Foreign languages dictionaries.
The National Museum of American Art
The National Museum of American Art is a museum dedicated to the arts and artists of the United States from earliest colonial times to the present day.
My Virtual Reference Desk
Extensive collection of reference aids and lots of fun stuff and links to explore.